Plan miasta Herrer

Herrer - Najnowsze wiadomości:

Voters to decide between Denish and Martinez ? Artesia News

With early voting taking place since mid-October, voters also faced decisions about several statewide offices, including whether to keep embattled Secretary of State Mary Herrera, who sought re-election as she battled misconduct ...
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CBJ: Property Transfers & Building Permits | Daily Progress

l Wolseley Investments Inc to Ferguson Enterprises Real Estate, parcel at Sixth Street and Garrett Street, no consideration. JUNE 13. l Miranda, John J to Burnett, James Christopher, trustee, parcel on Mulberry Avenue, $222800. .... l Herrera, Rene T or Mitzie B Holden-Herrera, storage shed, $1300, $20. l Sorensen, Jack B or Joan E., single family modular home, $140000, $201.76, Spencer W. Powell. l North Pantops Townhouses LLC, single family townhouse with attached ...
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Janet F bHerrera/b. Best Homes GMAC Real bEstate/b. 11845 IH 10 W Suite 401 San Antonio, TX. 78230. Bexar County. 210.694-4234.
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